Life of Fred Mathematics
Life of Fred: Advanced Algebra
(Algebra 2)
Life of Fred:
Advanced Algebra
Expanded Edition
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Life of Fred Advanced Algebra
Find out about...
• Romance! How little kids meet each other on the bus
• Cuisine! What pie you shouldn't order . . . unless you're rich
• Travel! Parts of Kansas you've never been to
• Fashion! Hairless anteriors and gold chains
• Music! The newest hit "Unselfish Love" by accordionist Rockin' Rita, age 4
while learning all of advanced algebra.
The Expanded Edition of Advanced Algebra contains the contents of the original version plus the discontinued Companion Guide. It also has all of the answers worked out in full. Laid out in 108 daily lessons, this hard cover text covers everything you need for 2nd year highschool Algebra.
If you are jumping into Life of Fred Advanced Algebra from any other math curriculum, we highly recommend that you consider going through the Life of Fred Beginning Algebra first. The Beginning Algebra book will provide the foundation needed to be successful with Life of Fred Advanced Algebra.
For extra practice questions, consider getting Zillions of Practice Problems for Advanced Algebra.
- Matrices
- Proofs by math induction
- Linear Programming
- Determinants
- Cramer's rule
- Arithmetic progressions and series
- Adding and multiplying matrices
- Factorial
- Permutations
- Combinations
- Numbers
- Natural numbers
- Whole numbers
- Integers
- Irrational numbers
- Real numbers
- Imaginary numbers
- Complex numbers
- Scientific notation
- Sigma notation
- Fundamental principle of counting
- Other Topics
- Brief History of mathematics
- Conversion factors
- Unit analysis
- Velocity
- Using a scientific calculator
- Polynomials
- Multiplying binomials
- Factoring binomials
- Factoring a difference of squares
- Factoring trinomials
- Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing polynomial fractions
- Binomial formula
- Long division of polynomials
- Proportions
- Ratios
- Median averages
- Proportions
- Cross-multiplying
- Constants of proportionality
- Inverse variation
- Direct variation
- Joint variation
- Weight varies directly as the cube of the height
- Area varies directly as the square of the height
- Volume varies directly as the cube of the height
- Sets
- Venn diagrams
- Union of sets
- Disjoint sets
- Subsets
- Intersection of sets
- Domain
- Codomain
- Range
- Equations
- Dividing by zero
- Rationalizing the denominator
- Solving radical equations
- Significant digits in addition and multiplication
- Linear equations
- Quadratic equations
- Radical equations
- Systems of Equations
- Inconsistent, dependent and independent equations
- Exponents
- Laws of exponents
- Exponential equations
- Fractions
- Complex fractions
- Partial fractions
- Functions
- Definition of a function
- Functional notation
- One-to-one
- Inverse functions
- Geometry
- Pythagorean theorem
- Surface area of a cone
- Ellipses
- Circles
- Reflective property of ellipses
- Parabolas
- Hyperbolas
- Geometric sequences and progressions
- Pascal's Triangle
- Graphing
- Graphing
- Abscissa
- Ordinate
- Quadrants
- Slope
- Slope given two points
- Slope-intercept and double-slope forms of the line
- Slopes of perpendicular lines
- Graphing planes in three dimensions
- Graphing inequalities
- Ordered pairs
- Logarithms
- Logarithms
- Product, quotient, birdie, and power rules for logarithms
- Finding antilogs
- Three definitions of logarithms
- Change-of-base rule for logarithms
Unlike all other math programs, this one also has:
• Material from Modern Bus & Electric Journal
• Why Rita could never be 50 feet tall
• A 12-page True Fairytale History of Mathematics from the counting numbers to the complex numbers
• A short discussion of tachyons (which travel faster than the speed of light)
. . . and all of these are just in the first two chapters!
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Life of Fred Advanced Algebra is a hardcover textbook containing 544 pages. This book is not consumable. All answers are written on separate paper or in a notebook.
Number of Lessons: 105 Lessons
Life of Fred:
Zillions of
Practice Problems for
Advanced Algebra
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from Zillions of Problems
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Life of Fred: Zillions of Practice Problems for Advanced Algebra
Need a lot of practice or stuck on a particular kind of problem? Requested by many readers, this book contains questions keyed directly to the chapters and topics of Life of Fred: Advanced Algebra. The answer to every problem is worked out in complete detail.
In this book you will find:
• Ten exponential equations worked out step by step.
• Over 40 problems dealing with functions.
• Sixteen imaginary number problems solved in detail.
• Eleven linear programming problems each taking about a page to solve.
• A bonus six-page introduction to Turing Machines.
This book is mandatory for those who need it. The Zillions of Practice Problems Slogan: If your cat can work through all the problems in this book, your cat can teach Advanced Algebra at any school in the nation.
Click here to view sample pages from Zillions of Practice Problems
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Life of Fred Zillions of Practice Problems for Advanced Algebra is a hardcover textbook containing 240 pages. This book is not consumable. All answers are written on separate paper or in a notebook. This is an optional book of extra questions for those who feel the need for extra practice.